Sunday, May 19, 2013


Several weeks ago we went to see the movie "STUCK" in town.  It is about the adoption process, how long and complicated it is, how expensive it is and how there are so many children literally stuck in the process.  There are children that can't come home because paperwork is messed up and countries that close the doors all together while people are in the process.

We are very fortunate that our adoption is moving forward.  BUT, it is still complicated, slow and very expensive.  In a lot of ways you just repeat the same steps over and over.  Hurry up and wait.  Finish one step and then wait while your paperwork sits on someone else's desk.  If you haven't seen the movie you should.  We have a copy if anyone local wants to borrow it or stop over for a movie night!  We would love to share it and our experiences with you.  International adoptions to the US are in a decline.  More and more children are being left behind.  If the process was cheaper, shorter and more efficient it probably wouldn't be the case.  The STUCK movie and Burning at Both Ends campaign is trying to change that.

I think the people that are responsible for our paperwork and the process need to explain to our daughter why we haven't come for her yet.  They need to look into the eyes of a 9 year old orphan  (that has prayed for a family for years and who's dreams are about to come true) why she can't come home for many more months.  I really can't explain it because it makes no sense to me either.  Our house is ready for our girls and they are ready for a family and forever home.  Yet there they sit, stuck in the process like way to many children.  They are fortunate that they will have a happy ending unlike so many children that don't have families or are in countries that have shut down completely.  The system has to change.  We owe it to these children, all of them!

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