Thursday, January 17, 2013

Mia's Gotcha day 2 years ago today!

Three years ago at this time Larry and I started the process to bring home a little girl from Hong Kong.  We didn't yet know who that girl was until a couple months later when our SW sent us a picture of a newly listed girl names Sze-man.  One look at her and I knew she was our daughter!
Then a year ago we met her for the first time.  This is when they brought her in the room for us to meet her!
And the first time I held her!
We went to the mall on a field trip with the other kids from the orphanage.  A lot of these children are also now home with their families but there are so many more waiting.
We got to take her back to the flat for her nap time that afternoon.  The poor thing was so overwhelmed and stressed that she slept a lot at first.
Her crib at the orphanage.
Good byes a year ago today.  Max has the same caseworker pictured below.  She knew Max from the time he was a baby so was so excited that Max and Mia would now be brother and sister!
The good byes were hard at the orphanage.  They really do love the children!
This is one of my favorite pictures of her because it was the second day and the first smile!  I knew it would all be ok from here on out!
Last picture in front of the sign at the orphanage.
My sweet baby at the flat with us.  She was so tiny and so sweet.  Love this little girl so much and she has come so far from this day.  Hard to believe she was two in this picture!
Max and Mia also had the same social worker, Stella!  We love Stella!
The journey home!  Happy 2nd Gotcha day Mia!!!  We love you so much.  Because of the huge blessing she has been, and the sweet faces we left behind, we knew we would be going back as soon as we could. 

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