Two years ago today we met Mia for the first time in an orphanage in Hong Kong! She has been such an incredible blessing and a wonderful gift from God!

Well I was having trouble uploading pictures so haven't posted for awhile. We were also busy redoing bedrooms so that has taken time to recover from.
Larry built triple bunk beds for the girls. They turned out great! We also moved Max and Mia into a room together. Mia has done great in a toddler bed. Max on the other hand wasn't quite ready for the freedom so his crib is in there now too. We will get there and start sleeping all night soon!
As for the adoption we are done with our home study but it is getting approved by our agency right now. Hopefully it is done in the next day or two so we can move on. I hate how long it has taken to get it done but God has his timing so I am trusting in that. I have some ideas on it but more on that later.
We have gotten a couple more very generous donations from some wonderful new and old friends. We are so humbled by the generosity of others. It was so much easier to pay for the past two on our own but this has helped us grow as well. We just don't know how to say thank you. Those two words just don't feel like enough! We will forever be grateful for the help and support though.
We started to adopt before we had even paid off Max's airline and hotel tickets. On top of that he had several medical appointments when he came home and those quickly added up. The bills are still coming in. In a month his adoption will be final and we will owe the lawyer another $1500 or so. So, starting Molly's adoption so soon is only possible with help from others. Adoption expenses don't stop the second your child is home. Adding to that our children have special needs. Max needs regular check ups to make sure his leukemia is still in remission and we thank God it is! So the important thing is the kids are all healthy and doing well. We are bringing Molly home as soon as we can and making progress there too.
Max and Mia have been fighting colds again and Maddie has come down with something as well and feels worse each day. Hoping she gets better soon and it doesn't spread! I know a lot is going around and so far we have been lucky, until now. I will try to post with more pictures tomorrow and look back two years ago at Gotcha Day for Mia!
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