Monday, September 30, 2013

Tough times

This pretty much says it all!
I have mentioned this before but one thing you quickly learn when you start an adoption is you  become a target for the enemy.  Things go wrong.  They just do.  Stuff starts to break, cars need work and people will come after you.  It is sad to me that Satan has so many people willing to do his work but he does.  Thankfully God has more though!  We have been so blessed by so many people.  This is through donations, prayer and support.  I am blown away by the support so won't let a few evil people get in our way, I refuse to!
We are getting closer to going to China.  Closer to bringing home two very special girls so the heat has been turned up on us.  Some days are hard.  Somedays I want the girls home just so we can hopefully get a break from it all.  But at the end of the day I just need to remind myself:
Because he does!  We will get through everything that comes at us.  We may end every day tired and worn but we know we are doing what God wants us to do. He never promised us easy.  We have so much to be thankful for and are very blessed.  What we need today, more than anything (even money) is prayer.  A prayer that God will prevail and good wins over evil.  We need strength to fight all that comes our way.  I will be on me knees in prayer as much as I can today.  I am just asking for a quick moment of prayer, I know it works!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Another blog to check out..

I just came across this blog post that another adoptive mom wrote.  I could have written the exact same thing.  We get so many comments and questions when we are out with Max and Mia.  (imagine what it will be like when we bring two more home, LOL)  Usually they are very nice and people are curious.  I don't mind answering questions and hope that it can bring more awareness to adoption and especially special needs adoptions.

But, once in awhile I do get tired of questions.  I think we have gotten most or all of the ones this mom writes about.  The top two are 1- are they twins (understandable but one of these days I may just be tired and say yes)  2- are they "real" brother and sister.  For that I have started to reply "They are now!".  Again I understand how people are curious but when I say they both have DS and are only 8 months apart and then they ask it is a little more annoying.  Though I am sure it is possible, it would be very unlikely to have 2 children with DS 8 months apart.

Find Me - "Emily"

Please take a moment to watch this video.  Don't look away because it is hard to watch, and trust me it is.  Watch because it is all of our responsibility to do something about the orphan crisis.  We need to step up and help.  No child should feel the way this girl is.  No child should face losing a family forever because they turn 14. 

Adoption is hard. I will give you that but it is wonderful and a blessing at the same time.  If you don't feel called to adopt there are so many other things you can do to help.  You can advocate, pray, help others that are fundraising.  Adoption is expensive.  There are so many families willing to do it if money wasn't in the way so you can help them.  Support them,  Pray for them! 

Open the bible and see what it says about orphans.  Then ask yourself what you can do.  I am praying this girl finds her family as long with all the others!  I have seen so many pleas and tears from children ready to age out lately and want to live in a world where this doesn't happen.  I am doing what I can to change things, what are you doing?

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Passed another step!!!

We got the last piece of approval we needed from the states so now two steps left in China and we will be traveling to get our girls!!!!!  hopefully we are there and back before Thanksgiving!!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Working on the blog

Sorry for shutting the blog down for a couple days.  All is well, just working on the blog. 

Nothing too much new but we are making progress in the adoption.  We got a piece of paper in the mail Friday saying the US approves us now to adopt both girls. Now we send it to China for the Article 5 approval and then China gives us travel approval!  At that point our agency sets up the appointments for us when we go to China and we book our tickets!  It is really getting close and now I am realizing how much I have to do to get ready to go!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Moving on!

We got approval on the last step that we were stuck on!  We are moving forward again.  There are some holidays coming up in China soon so hopefully they won't slow us up again.  A few more steps to go but atleast we can check one more off the list!  Keep praying for us.  So far every step has taken atleast twice as long as it should and I am hoping we break that streak.  Time to start getting ready around home to go to China!

Monday, September 9, 2013

It's working

The prayers are working!  we are making progress!


Praying and Waiting seem to be the two most popular titles for posts I write these days.  But, this is an adoption process so all you seem to do is pray and wait after all.  It is a new week so praying we get approval for our I800.  Again it is a 2 week process and we are on week 6 so definitely need prayer to get moving again.

Thursday, September 5, 2013


We are still waiting for approval from the US to adopt our girls.  We are getting closer but all the paperwork still isn't in order for us to move on.  This has taken several weeks longer than it should have but that has happened since day one.  Trusting in God's timing and praying for approval within the next few days.

I have been getting a few more name puzzle orders!  What a blessing to be able to put the money from them towards the adoption.  Now all I need is more time!
This was from the Buddy Walk a few weeks ago.  We started going before Mia came home and love it.  There are always wonderful people there and it is a good time.  Love that we have two buddies to walk with!